
30th June, 2017Deemed Exports in GSTDownload
23rd October, 2017Notification No. 41/2017--Integrated Tax (Rate)Download
07-Nov-2022Cir No. 14 Web SiteDownload
28-Sep-2022Circular No. 12 DussheraDownload
10-Mar-22Cir No.9 Holi CelebrationDownload
13-Dec-21Cir No 7 Calender and Diary 2022Download
13-Dec-21Cir No 8 Holiday List 2022Download
11-Nov-21Cir No 6 Diwali Get To GetherDownload
12-Oct-21Cir No. 5 Dassera FunctionDownload
23-Sep-21Cir No. 4 78th AGMDownload
05-Aug-21Cr No. 3 Education CircularDownload
28-May-21Cir. No 1 COVID 19Download
24-Dec-20Cir No. 2 BPFMA CALENDARDownload
04-Nov-20Cir No. 1 Education CircularDownload
02-Mar-20DA for the Month of February 2020Download
25-Feb-20Holi Function- Cir. No. 19Download
13-Feb-20EGM Agenda- Cir. No. 18Download
01-Feb-20DA for the Month of January 2020Download
21-Jan-20BPFMA Day Cricket Match - Cir. No. 17Download
01-Jan-20Foundation Day Function - Cir. No. 16Download
01-Jan-20DA for the Month of December 2019Download
18-Dec-19Calendar and Diary - Cir No. 14Download
18-Dec-19Holiday List 2020 - Cir No. 15Download
02-Dec-19Carrom Tournament - Cir No. 13Download
02-Dec-19DA for the Month of November 2019Download
24-Oct-19Diwali Get Together - Cir. No. 12Download
24-Oct-19NAC Diwali Get TogetherDownload
11-Oct-19MCX Seminar - Cir. No. 11Download
01-Oct-19Dassera Function - Cir No. 10Download
28-Aug-19Medical Seminar on DiabetesDownload
13-Aug-19Education CircularDownload
13-Aug-19Education Help FormDownload
05-Aug-19Cir. No. 7 67th Annual Function with DinnerDownload
01-Aug-19Cir. No. 6 Free Health Check Up Medical CampDownload
23-Jul-19Cir. No 5 AGM AgendaDownload
03-Jun-19Guhagar Trip - Circular No. 4Download
03-Jun-19Guhagar Trip - ITERNARYDownload
03-Jun-19DA Month of May 2019Download
02-May-19DA Month of April 2019Download
26-Apr-19GST Seminar NAC - Circular No. 3Download
22-Apr-19Ice Cream Mela - Circular No. 2Download
22-Apr-19Election HolidayDownload
07-Apr-19Note Books - Circular No. 1Download
01-Apr-19DA Month of March 2019Download
22-Mar-19Blood Donation Camp - Circular No. 19Download
12-Mar-19Holi Celebration - Circular No. 18Download
01-Mar-19DA Month of February 2019Download
04-Feb-19DA Month of January 2019Download
11-Jan-19Day Cricket Match - Circular No. 17Download
02-Jan-19DA Month of December 2018Download
13-Dec-18Calendar and Diary Circular No. 15Download
13-Dec-18Holiday List 2019 - Cir. No. 16Download
07-Dec-18Trip CircularDownload
03-Dec-18DA Month of November 2018Download
01-Nov-18DA Month of October 2018Download
29-Oct-18Diwali Get To Gether CircularDownload
10-Oct-18Dassera Function CircularDownload
01-Oct-18DA Month of September 2018Download
11-Sep-18Cir No. 11 Gujarati DramaDownload
01-Sep-18DA Month of August 2018Download
06-Aug-18Cir No. 10 Carrom TournamentDownload
04-Aug-18Cir No. 8 Managing Committee 2018-2020Download
04-Aug-18Cir No. 9 Sub CommitteeDownload
03-Aug-18Cir No. 7 EducationDownload
01-Aug-18DA Month of July 2018Download
24-Jul-18Cir No. 6 AGMDownload
17-Jul-18Cir No. 5 Election 2018-2020Download
02-Jul-18DA Month of June 2018Download
02-Jul-18Cir. No. 4 Platinum Jubilee Finale CircularDownload
01-Jun-18DA Month of May 2018Download
11-May-18Cir No. 1 Note BooksDownload
11-May-18Cir No. 2 Advt in Note BooksDownload
11-May-18Cir. No. 3 Ice Cream MelaDownload
02-May-18DA Month of April 2018Download
17-Mar-18Cir. No. 19 Musical EveningDownload
14-Mar-18Cir No. 18 Pune TripDownload
07-Mar-18Cir no. 17 Telephone DirectoryDownload
21-Feb-18Cir No. 16 holi CelebrationDownload
16-Jan-18GST SEMINAR ON 19 JANUARY 2018Download
30-Oct-17Diwali Get To Gether - Cir No. 11Download
22-Sep-17Dassera Function - Cir No. 10Download
11-Aug-17Education Circular No. 9Download
10-Aug-17AGM AgendaDownload
13-Jun-17Cir No. 6 - Medical Seminar on NEUROSCIENCESDownload
29-May-17Cir No. 4 - Note BooksDownload
29-May-17Cir No. 5 - Note Book advertiser NamesDownload
26-May-17Cir No. 3 - GST SeminarDownload
02-May-17DA - Month of April 2017Download
18-Apr-17Madhuban Trip - Cir No. 2Download
01-Apr-17Gujarati Drama - Cir No. 1Download
06-Mar-17Holi Celebration - Circular No. 28Download
03-Mar-17DA - Month of February 2017Download
20-Feb-17Hindi Movie Rangoon - Cir. No. 27Download
14-Jan-17Inaugural Function - Cir No. 26Download
23-Dec-16Cir No. 19 Bids CircularDownload
23-Dec-16Cir No. 20 Extra SubscriptionDownload
15-Dec-16EGM Agenda 2016Download
07-Nov-16Diwali Get To gether - Cir No. 17Download
02-Nov-16DA Month of October 2016Download
03-Oct-16DA Month of September 2016Download
30-Sep-16Dassera Celebration - Cir No. 15Download
30-Sep-16Cricket Match - Cir. No. 16Download
01-Sep-16DA Month of August 2016Download
24-Aug-16Daman Trip - Cir. No. 13Download
24-Aug-16Change of Address - Cir No. 14Download
10-Aug-16Sales tax Seminar - Cir No. 12Download
18-Jul-1673rd Annual Function - Cir No. 8Download
18-Jul-16BPFMA Managing Committee - Cir No. 9Download
18-Jul-16BPFMA Sub - Committee - Cir No. 10Download
18-Jul-16Education Circular - Cir. 11Download
07-Jul-1673rd AGM Agenda - Cir No. 7Download
17-Jun-16Medical Semina on Cardiac- Cir No. 6Download
31-May-16Election Circular 2016-2018 - Cir. No. 5Download
21-May-16Medical Seminar - Cir No. 4Download
20-May-16Advt. in Note Books 2016 - Cir No. 3Download
20-May-16Note Book - Cir No. 2Download
02-May-16April 2016 Cost of Living IndexDownload
26-Apr-16Gujarati Drama Circular No. 1Download
02-Apr-16March 2016 Cost of Living IndexDownload
09-Mar-16Holi Celebration - Cir. No. 29Download
01-Mar-16February 2016 Cost of Living IndexDownload
24-Feb-16Blood Donation Camp - Cir No. 27Download
24-Feb-16Carrom Tournament - Cir No. 28Download
04-Feb-16GST Seminar - Cir No. 25Download
04-Feb-16Cricket Match 2016 - Cir No. 26Download
01-Feb-16January 2016 Cost of Living IndexDownload
01-Jan-16December 2015 Cost of Living IndexDownload
17-Dec-15New Members - Cir No. 23Download
17-Dec-15Holiday List 2016 - Cir No. 24Download
01-Dec-15November - 2015 Cost of living IndexDownload
01-Dec-15Tax planing month of December 2015Download
07-Nov-15Cir. No 22 Diwali Get To Gether 2015Download
02-Nov-15October - 2015 Cost of living IndexDownload
02-Nov-15Tax planing month of November 2015Download
21-Oct-15Cir No.21 Free Medical Check-Up for StrokeDownload
13-Oct-15Cir. No. 20 GST Seminar - 4Download
07-Oct-15Cir. No. 19 MCX SeminarDownload
03-Oct-15Cost of living Index Cir No. 18Download
29-Sep-15Cir No. 14 magus SeminarDownload
29-Sep-15Cir No.15 Free Medical Check-UpDownload
29-Sep-15Cir. 15AChardiacc Health Checkup PackageDownload
29-Sep-15Cir No. 16 TCI SeminarDownload
29-Sep-15Cir No. 17 Dassera FunctionDownload
29-Sep-15Tax planing month of October 2015Download
03-Sep-15Gujarati Drama "Bhari Lau Aankh Ma Zindagi"Download
01-Sep-15Tax Planning Dates for the Month of Sept. 2015Download
01-Sep-15New Members - Cir No. 12Download
06-Aug-15Tax Planning Dates for the Month of August 2015Download
01-Aug-15July 2015 Cost of living IndexDownload
01-Aug-15Education Cir No. 11Download
30-Jul-15Co-Sponsors List 2015-2016 - Cir. 10.Download
22-Jul-1572nd Annual General Meeting Agenda - Cir No. 9Download
02-Jul-15New Members - Cir No. 8Download
02-Jul-15New Members - Cir No. 8Download
22-Jun-15Alibaug Trip - Cir. No. 7Download
18-Jun-15GST Lecture Cir No - 6Download
03-Jun-15New Members - Cir No. 5Download
03-Jun-15Cir No. 4 Annual Function 2015Download
01-Jun-15May 2015 Cost of living IndexDownload
13-May-1572nd Annual Function & DinnerDownload
05-May-15EGM Agenda - Cir. 3Download
05-May-15April 2015 Cost of living IndexDownload
29-Apr-15Advt. Note Book - Cir No. 2ADownload
29-Apr-15Note Book - Cir No. 2Download
02-Apr-15Medical SeminarDownload
02-Apr-15March 2015 Cost of Living IndexDownload
01-Apr-15Debit Note 2015-2016Download
31-Mar-15Hindi MovieDownload
30-Mar-15BPFMA IN JanmabhoomiDownload
02-Mar-15February 2015 Cost of Living IndexDownload
19-Feb-15Carrom Tournament - Cir No. 30Download
14-Feb-15Live World Cup Cricket Match 2015Download
03-Feb-15Holi Celebration 2015Download
02-Feb-15January 2015 Cost of Living IndexDownload
02-Feb-15CRICKET MATCHDownload
01-Jan-15December 2014 Cost of Living IndexDownload
01-Jan-15Dental Medical Seminar Circular 27Download
23-Dec-14New Members - Cir 25Download
23-Dec-14Holidays 2015 - Cir 26Download
14-Dec-14MOVIE - PKDownload
10-Nov-14Swachchh Nagdevi AbhiyanDownload
04-Nov-14Diwali Get together on Saturday the 15-Nov-2014Download
04-Nov-14New Members Circular 23Download
03-Nov-14Oct 2014 Cost of Living IndexDownload
08-Oct-14Sept 2014 Cost of Living Index Circular 21Download
08-Oct-14BPFMA Mobile App Website Launch Circular 20Download
22-Sep-14Website Launch Circular 19Download
11-Sep-14Dassera Circular 18Download
09-Sep-14Aug 2014 Cost of Living IndexDownload
01-Aug-14July 2014 Cost of Living Index Circular 21Download
20-Nov-12Holiday List 2021Download
21-Aug-05Cir No. 2 Note BooksDownload
10-Sep-2022Cir No. 10 Carrom Tournament 2022Download
19-Sep-2022Cir No. 11 RUDRA RESORT KOLAD TRIPDownload
9-Oct-2022Cir. No 13 Diwali Get To Gether 2022Download
29/10/2022Diwali CircularDownload
23-DEC-2022Cir. No. 15 Calendar & Diary 2023Download
23-12-2022Cir.No 16 Holiday List 2023Download
02/01/2023Cir. No. 17 Mahapuja CircularDownload
02/01/2023Cir No. 17 Mahapuja CircularDownload
03/02/2023Cir. No. 18 Motivational SpeechDownload
03/02/2023DA For the Month of January 2023Download
09/03/2023Cir. No 20 TURF Cricket Match Download
08/05/2023Cir.No.2 79th Annual FunctionDownload
23/05/2023Cir No. 3 Note BookDownload
23/05/2023Cir No. 4 Advt in Note BooksDownload
21/04/2023Cir no. 1 Mango FestivalDownload